Happy New Year from all at Blue Daisy!

 2012Traditionally this is the time to make resolutions or simply plan for the year ahead.  So what does the road hold for Blue Daisy in 2012?  Well we're not making resolutions here but we do have a few aims for Blue Daisy!  We have gained a good reputation locally for providing a reliable and knowledgable gardening service and we will continue to exceed our customers expectations whether that is through knowledge, skill or the experience of working with one of our team members.   On the right hand side of our website you can see many testimonals from satisfied customers and we thank those who have been so kind as to supply them too! 

As most of you know Nicki qualified as a garden designer last year which means there is no more college so she has more time to spend in the business "hurrah" she says!!  In terms of garden design we are hoping to get more commissions this year in the Coventry and Warwickshire area for both front and rear gardens.  Some people have never thought of having their front garden designed before but it is becoming more and more popular - after all it is the first thing that any visitor sees so it stands to reason that your front garden should be the very best it can be!  

Of course the more gardens we create the more it will strengthen our portfolio and soon there will be pictures of completed projects on the website to see.   Planting plans are something that we started to do last year and this year hope to do more of, whether as part of a full garden design or creating or renovating a border in an existing garden.  The trend of 'Staycation' is still very much here to stay especially looking at how our economy is shaping up, so we are finding more people investing in their garden and we aim to create a garden or border with the atmosphere and style they require.

We also offer a range of gardening lessons held in the privacy of your own garden!  Over the last few years Nicki has spoken to a lot of people who really don't know what to do in their garden but do want to get stuck in yet lack the confidence, skill or knowledge. There are also those people who can't afford a regular gardener especially in this economic climate. Others are just not getting any pleasure from their garden, they don't know where to start, how to do certain tasks and what tools they need. So this had led us to combine the knowledge and skills Nicki gained from her previous career in HR and as the owner of Blue Daisy along with her horticultural knowledge and begin to offer some specific garden based workshops. 

The Blue Daisy website will also have a bit of an overhaul, don't fear those of you who love the site and told us you don't want it to change - we will be maintaining the feel of the existing site although the look will get a bit of an update and there will be lots of behind the scenes work being done too which will give you more option to interact on the site by, for example, posting comments and taking part in online polls!

And finally, if there is any time left we aim to have a bit of an online shop too.  You can currently buy vouchers for any of our garden services but we will be introducing some specially selected, premium quality products ideal for use in the garden by adults and/or children; for growing your own fruit and veg, and even some that will make great gifts too!  

It looks like it will be a fairly busy year ahead for us and while we're getting on with all of that we hope that you manage to spend time in and enjoy your garden this year!